Visiting Travis Cottrell

As I said, I got to spend a few days in Tennessee with my friend. The Cottrell family was nice enough to invite me into their home (and down into their basement) to stay for the duration of my trip to Franklin.

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The famous christian music artist Travis Cottrell lives just outside of Nashville, TN. Travis has a beautiful wife Angela, three wonderful children.

Jack - 12
Lily Kate - 8
Levi - 6

Flash All three of them were busy in school for most of my trip, so the majority of my bonding was with Travis, Angela, and Flash.

Travis is currently working on his new CD that is released the first Tuesday in June. The recording was done live on stage in Georgia in January, and is now in the post-production stage of the process.

Travis was busy going from studio to studio in and around Nashville, with each location specializing in different aspects of the album.


His team has been working on the tracks for almost two months now, not to mention the months of pre-production that had to go into the writing and composing of the music.

I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to post this, so I'll only do a little...(that was Kevin Perry's studio, and it's LEGIT)

The week I was there was extra busy for Travis because of some extra vocal work that was being done to the songs. Things can sound fantastic on stage, but when solo'd out in the studio, can need polishing. Travis has spent hour after hour in the studio trying to clean up the songs, while maintaining the natural "live" feel to the album.

_MG_3754It was a blast to get to see all the stages of work that goes into one of his records. It was fun to see the same enthusiasm he carries on stage brought right into the studio, as he worshiped an audience of one.

Travis Cottrell has a heart of worship. The man is a servant worshiper for our most high God, and lives the life of a Husband, Father, Recording Artist and Worship Leader.

Thank you, Travis, for allowing me to visit, and for bringing me into your home and into your studios. The trip was amazing, and I can't wait to hear the final product that this CD will be in June!


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