Plans for the Summer

With it being Spring Break, it's time to be lining up the plans for the summer. Job plans, more specifically, because trying to find a summer job for a college kid much later than April Fool's is a joke.

Step One: Go back to school for six weeks.

Aubrey and I finish finals Friday May 8th. The 'rents (parents) will all drive down that day for us to get packed up and hauled back home to Bentonville for the summer.

After a few days off, I start back at my job for the NWA Naturals Baseball Team doing video production. I'll get a few home games in before our family vacation in the middle of the month.

My family (Mom, Dad, Caleb and I) are all going to Washington DC for a week. We have also invited our Aunt Vickie and Aubrey to tag along on the Magee Trip. Monday-Friday; May 18-22.

I will have a few church summer camps lined up to do Live Audio work for. Those are not concrete settled like my Naturals work, but are hopeful and likely freelance jobs that should be good work.

That's it for the remainder of the summer. Consistent nightly baseball game video work for the Naturals, and occasional freelance production work around the state.

If it's offered, Aubrey and I are going to take Spanish II at the NWACC too. That's three hours that we both need, and can knock out together, in a rushed summer term as opposed to a droning college semester.

There's the business schedule at least. Not forgetting, of course, that this IS summer, and I WILL be having fun too. It's summer, and I'm a college student. It's supposed to be fun, I think. :D