Twitter: Cameron Magee

At the top right hand side of the blog, you can see the latest addition, Twitter.

Twitter is a website that allows you to post small text updates of your whereabouts anytime. I try to keep Twitter pretty regular, but I'm not too zealous. However, while I'm in NYC,

I am going to be a Twitter Professional.

If you click the link "see a big list of these", you can see all my updates. I plan on posting a tweet as often as I can, by text messaging my updates to their server. Hopefully this will be a useful way to document and post details of my trip up North.

Maybe I'm getting all giggly over nothing, but I don't care.

It's New York City, and I'm PUMPED.

Thanks Mom and Dad, for forking over the cash on the plane ticket. Thanks ORACLE Student Newspaper, for inviting me along to the conference.

Thanks for Czech-ing in. I plan on keeping the blog HOPPIN' over the next few days, with fancy video posts, constant Twitter updates, and point-and-shoot photos from NYC excitement.