International Food Bazaar

After Miss HSU Thursday night, I packed all the PA gear up. Friday morning, a bunch of guys rolled it from Arkansas Hall, all the way across campus to the Garrison Day Gym. The International Students were hosting an event in the Gym Friday night, and I was covering audio for it, as well.

After Philosophy let out at 2pm, I spent the rest of my day in the Garrison, setting up for this event. I got done a bit ahead of schedule, giving me just enough time to load trax into iTunes.

The event was pretty straight forward. The International Students had put together small musical numbers, almost like a talent show, to perform on stage. The audience sat at tables eating dishes from the various countries represented on campus, and listened to the acts.

This meant a lot of different things, but one of my favorites were the Irish:

A lot of singing, and a lot of dancing overall. It was mainly just timing iTunes tracks.

The event went fine, and I even had a little time to get the gear packed up early. Stephen will get here tomorrow afternoon to load it all up and haul it back to TX.