Live Audio at Alamo Media
On the website it is easy to show our video work because our finished product is right here on the web to share. Our Live Audio side of what we do is a little more difficult to convey online because the product of our efforts is the show itself. We are producing an event, and if you're not at the event, it's difficult to show the work we've done.
A few weeks ago we brought our cameras to a live audio show we were doing to show what we do. We have been blessed and I am covered up with tons of post production right now, and I didn't want to delay our clients' projects by editing a promo of our own, so when my friend Matt Mustain offered to edit it as a fun little project, I handed the footage right over.
Matt is a friend of ours who helps us on camera for a lot of our shoots. He took a post-production class at HSU in our last semester there and is beginning to play around inside Final Cut Pro X a bit. He did a great job putting all this content together. :D
Enjoy this fun look into the Live Audio side of what we do, compliments from the editing desk of my good friend Mr. Matt Mustain.