Wade Stotts: Metronome App

I have been searching for a solid Metronome app to use on my iPhone and iPad for a long time. I currently run a Boss Dr. Beat and love it, but it would be helpful to replace this standalone device with an app on devices I always have with me, charged, ready to go.

Two weeks ago, my good friend Wade Stotts informed me that he has found the app. There are tons out there and he managed to pick the winner out of the pile. From here on out, Wade has got the wheel unless other wise noted:

It’s a common feeling during rehearsal with a worship band. Something just doesn’t sound quite right. It seems like everyone is playing a different song and the drummer is getting different instructions as to how fast or slow to play.

A metronome is the closest thing to an unbiased, ego-less musician that exists. But a metronome can cost anywhere from 40 to 200 dollars. For some guys that’s nothing, but I’m guessing that you don’t want to spend your whole check from last weekend’s Dnow on a metronome.
The Tempo app from Frozen Ape is the best app investment I think I’ve ever made. It’s got all the same controls of the 200 dollar metronome plus some all for only 2 dollars.

One of my favorite features of the app is that it allows you to save and name multiple, full set lists. Going into a weekend Dnow or a week long camp, the drummer (or whomever) can have every set saved with the names of songs with their tempos and meters beforehand and not have to reset the metronome between sets.

Another favorite feature is the ability to change the sound of the click. I’ve been frustrated before with some of the really annoying click sounds that some metronomes have. I’ve got mine on the setting called “Wooden” and it’s just piercing enough to keep everyone on time but won’t give the drummer a headache. But for those that prefer the more annoying sounds, they’ve got some for you too :-)

The app also does not use much of your phone’s battery at all, I can set the app to leave the screen up during a whole set and use a relatively small amount of battery. And if your phone does die, you won’t lose all your temps as you would with dedicated metronomes. Most people carry phone chargers with them in their car or their backpack anyway.

Overall I’m very impressed with the app and have not had any problems with it thus far. It’s the best solution for a musician (like me) without a huge budget but that can afford to downsize his meal at Arby’s for an immensely useful app like this one.
(The Tempo app can be downloaded for iPhone and iPad, along with other smartphones and tablets)