Refuge 3.10.11

Clay and Stacy Cunningham
Dating, Engagement & Marriage

You were not created to get married.
You were created for one thing.
To worship him and to give him glory.

An idol is anything that you sin to get
Or that you sin if you don't get.

Don't do so much for the Lord without giving him your heart.

Don't love ministry more than you love the one you ministering to. Ministry can be an idol.

Christ is sufficient in all things.

If you take my ministry away you are enough.

Luke 14

33. Surrender everything you have
27. Give your body
26. All other relationships. Surrendered. Unto him.

Be confident in each other, but be more confident in who Christ is IN us.

We want you to be Lord. Receive the glory from our lives. You and you alone.