3 Weeks Until Spring Break!
Alright get NASA on the phone and start the countdown. Spring Break hits in three weeks. Get pumped.
Tomorrow Laura and I will be at the Harbor Church of NWA down in Springdale. Up in Springdale? I'm writing from Bentonville tonight. :) It's down right now.
Monday I've got a large History exam. That'll be no joke. Thursday is Refuge. Friday is our 2nd Movie on the Quad, which will be Disney's "Tangled", which I've heard should be fantastic. :) The weekend of the 5th Laura and I are doing wedding planning and studying all weekend. Then there's the 3rd Movie on the Quad. Then it's our birthday weekend. Set your clocks. Then it's the first Henderson Idol 2011, on my 21st birthday! Neat! Then folks, it is Spring Break. Get pumped. :)
Laura and I have a long to do list for the break. A longer list than a break should have… But we want to get married, and apparently there's a lot of stuff people do to get ready for their wedding "day" so we're busy.
So excited though. I like her.