Christian Financial Principles

Our speaker tonight at MBSF spoke on stewardship, and how to handle God's money with focus on what it is.  His.


The key is "Stewardship".

Get that, and the rest will be a lot easier.

Ecc. 5:10

With greater riches come greater responsibilities.

Luke 12:48

If you make more than $1500 a year, you are in the top 20% of worldwide income.

If you make $30k/yr or more, top 7% worldwide.

If you make $50k/yr or more, top 1% worldwide.

6 people die each second from hunger.

In America, we have been given more, which means more is expected of us.

With greater riches come greater responsibilities.

90% of your income can go farther than 100%

This is the only thing in scripture he says "test me".

The average American spends $1.22 for every $1.00 they make.  Spend less than you make.  Be salt and light, be different than the world.

If you want stress, exceed your financial bounds.

You need $2 million at age 65.  Here is how much you need to save annually depending on which age you started at.



20 $2,782

25 $4,518

30 $7,379

35 $12,158


Matthew 25:21