Laura met Danny Gokey!
Laura loves Danny Gokey, but that man is hard to find. I've wanted to take her to see him but it seems like the guy only plays shows up in the NW part of the country instead of the NW part of our fine state of Arkansas. :)
I checked his website last week and it said he would be opening with Luke Bryan for a Sugarland concert in Kansas City.
Instantly bought tickets.
Surprised Laura and hit the road! It was a great trip. Danny played five songs, Luke played a few, and Sugarland came on. But we didn't care we were there for Gokey. Then after the show Danny sat at a table signing autographs for anyone who was crazy enough to stand in line all night. Of course we ducked out of Sugarland a bit early and were nearly first in line. :D
Sorry the photo is so awkward. HIs body guards were saying, "no stopping for photos please" but if you could smile and lean next to him while he was signing, he'd be a hero and look at your smiling mom (or boyfriend) and let you get a quick snapshot.
thanks Danny!
I've never seen that girl smile so much.