Setlist 11.28.10

I have been given the opportunity and honor to play drums for tomorrow's Christmas Worship set at FBC Bentonville. Thought I'd post the setlist so you could see what we'll be up to. :)

*WALK-IN Music*

Adeste Fidelis


-Creation Sings

-Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You

Lighting of the the Advent Wreath

-Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
-Glorious Is Thy Name



-I Exalt Thee
-We Declare Your Majesty

----- Message -----

-My Jesus, I Love Thee

Offertory Prayer

Handbell Choir


Sing We Now of Christmas

*WALK-OUT Music*

It looks like they've got it all in 1hr 32mins. That's a lot of stuff. :)