Washington DC Trip
It's family vacation time! Yip Yip! The four of us, plus Aubrey and Aunt Vickie, will be loading up and flying to Washington DC for the first family vacation in 13 years!
I don't know why we never went on vacations, but who cares, I'm pumped about this one!
I've been to DC before, but am no expert. (that photo up there is from last time) What are the highlights? What's hot? What's a must?
We're not going to be there too terribly long, and from the little that I have heard, you could spend a month there and still miss stuff. For your veterans, seriously, do you have any recommendations?
I will be faithfully blogging throughout the trip, as well as posting as many Tweets as I can. It will be a family affair, so I will try to be courdious about my cell phone usage around them. I try to keep it pretty old school and act like I didn't hear that text message I just received, as well as ignore the hundreds of tweets pouring in every hour. Just like with blogs, I'm more of a reader than a writer, so I follow twice as many people on Twitter than people follow me. Thank goodness.
We've got a house sitter for the pugs, so don't get any funny ideas. We'll be back before long with photos and stories and whatever else comes from a vacation with the people you live with.