My Mom mailed me Eggs
Got an interesting package in the mail today. thanks, Mom.
Aubrey's family is HARDCORE when it comes to holidays. And, by hardcore, I most likely mean just normal. We are not big on holidays at my house, so pretty much anyone else doing anything it all is "HARDCORE" to me.
The hardcore translation for this month: An Egg Hunt. They do not, I repeat do not mess around over at that household when it comes to the hunting of gametes. They have let me partake in the hunt for the past few years, giving me the perfect opportunity to make a fool out of myself. Since we just don't do that stuff at my house, I most likely end up looking like a seven year old at Christmas.
Aubrey, Aaryn and I have to stay inside, while Wyley & Stephanie (plus Mom and Dad this year) hide about 200 eggs in the front yard. The key here is the absence of windows. Windows would be my strategy, but my amateur methods have already been sniffed out years ago. They know better, and we get stuffed in the kitchen.
After FOREVER of hiding the eggs, they turn us loose, and it's about one punch difference in a brawl. It's madness. It's wild. It's a dad gum Easter Egg Hunt. The three of us hit hard, trying to Eggspence any Eggstra Eggergy needed to Eggcel in the Eggvent.
that just happened.
Years past have stacked up to be embarrassments on the most extreme scales. Running around like a fool, only to loose to the Eggsperts. This year was different. Managed to pull out 104.5 eggs, making me the 2009 champ. Oh yeah, it felt good.
Then I left all the eggs I won in Bentonville.
dad burn it garsh dern darn
I called my Mom and asked her to mail my baseball glove down (Intramural Softball tourney starts next week). I got a box with a baseball mit packed to the corrugation with plastic eggs and delightful sugary treats.
What a pleasant surprise. The eggs have arrived. Stop by the room to partake in enjoying the spoils of The Hunt. Thank you, Elliotts, for allowing me to take part in your festivities of Easter. It's nice to experience the holidays with another families' traditions. Especially yours. Yours are definitely the best.
Thanks for the Egg Delivery, MOM!