When I Think About the LORD

Today's going to be a pretty fancy entry, complete with a musical soundtrack:

When I Think About the LORD,
how He saved me, how He raised me,
how He filled me with the Holy Ghost,
how He healed me, to the uttermost,
it makes me want to shout:

When I Think About my DAY,
with all the laundry and the ironing,
and all the sorting, and the folding,
with all the undies, all the white tee's,
it makes me want to shout:
"Dang that was some Laundry!"


I covered a LOT of ground today on the laundry situation. Counting total was over 23 shirts, 4 pairs of pants, plus immeasurable amounts of underwear and socks. I hate laundry. I never did a single load until I got to college.


But with NYC coming up this weekend, I needed some stuff in the clean stack, that was laying in the dirty pile.

A Great Day for MailOn a lighter note, I got my first birthday card in the mail today! Thanks Grannie and Papa! (they are not internet-ers, but I wanted to say thank-you anyway)

On a second thank-ful note, Aubrey gets back tonight. She's been on the road, touring in Texas for the past few days, and I am (a) Reddie to have her back in Arkadoo.

Most of the photos on the blog lately have been from my Canon SD750. More importantly, almost ALL of them have been DIRECTLY from my camera, with NO processing.

Remember that REVIEW I did on it?

One of these days I'll shut up about this digital camera, but until then, this is the best $165 I ever spent. Any Canon shooters out there?