HSU Schedule 2009

HSU Schedule 2009
Originally uploaded by CameronMagee
I've got just over a week left of break, and school is creeping back into the rear of my mind. It's WAY back there alright, but it's creeping up. With that in mind, I thought I'd post my schedule for the upcoming semester, as well as my grades from the previous.

First of all, I had a great first semester at Henderson. Most of my classes went by smoothly, and it was a very easy and smooth transition from Bentonville High School.

Grades 082S

I even got all A's, well, except for one. I took one honors class, Masters of Western Literature, and I got a B in it. But, it was worth it, my teacher for that class was fantastic, and I really got a lot out of it.

This next and second semester steps it up a bit, with three main killers. I'm looking at Biology, Spanish, and Philosophy Honors. There are other courses, of course (definite pun intended), but those are the triple crown of worries.

HSU Schedule 2009
In case you can't view the above image, here's them listed out:

Biology Lab
Spanish I
Philosophy Honors
Newspaper Practicum
Oral Comm
News Reporting

I've got a handful of days left in this break, so I'm planning on enjoying them to the fullest. But, looming on the Arkadelphia horizon, rests Henderson State University, and it's many semesters ahead.