Tip-Toeing In
With me being in the 479 area code this weekend, Phillip invited me to tag along with him to a show. The show was in Fayetteville, at some shady place, at 9pm. ehh.... Who's playing? "Jake Goss" I'm in.
So, we made the drive down to Fayette-nam, (similar pronunciation to Viet-nam) at about 8:15pm. Well, the show kept getting pushed back and back, so the downbeat hit about 11pm. We stayed for an hour of Jake laying down the funk, one song after another, and then took off. After being in that semi-smokey joint for almost three hours, I was ready to jet.
Being in that place where everybody was 24+ was really strange. I look like I'm twelve years old, if you haven't ever noticed, and that's on a good day. I got some funny looks, I have to admit. Something about a 12-year old nerd, running around a dance floor, trying to take snapshots of the band with a digital camera, draws attention. who knew?
When I got back to Bentonville, it was almost 1am. Well, being the good roommate that I am, I didn't want to disturb anyone. My Bentonville roommate typically beds-down at a reasonable hour, so I tip-toed in, keeping my noise to a minimum. I just had to sneak a quick photo of my "yes, I'm too young to drink any of this junk" armband next to her, and then it was nighty-night.